
Yuki Onna

Sorry for that,guys.I won't write about dragons or zombies.Maybe later.Today's monster will be: Yuki Onna
Yuki Onna is a japanese Yokai resembling a beautiful and pale woman walking (or floating) in snowstorms.

According to the myth,they are the spirits of people who died in the snow. They are ruthless in killing unsuspecting mortals. In many stories, they appear to travelers as woman trapped in snowstorms and use their freezing breath to kill them. Other legends say that they lead them astray so they die of exposure. Other legends make Yuki onna much more aggressive. In these stories, she often invade homes,blowing in the door with a gust of wind to kill the residents in their sleep.

In some cases, they fall in love with men, marry them and form families, having children, inclusive. However, the love story always ends in a day of storm or mist, probably when the call of their world becomes stronger.

They have an impact on modern culture, mainly appearing in anime and manga. They appear in some Japanese movies as well.

For a weak one like me, I would not resist the beauty of a Yuki Onna,so...fuck this. I would be dead (maybe not if I have some luck).Furthermore, I prefer Asian girls.

I've never seen a ghost and I believe that the scientists haven't seen one as well. It's an UMB (Unidentified Mysterious Being).But I repeat: There are things that science don't know...

See ya tomorrow

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