

This post will talk about the famous werewolf.It's feared by the "rednecks" of my country.One of my favorites.

The werewolves are men who can shapeshift into a wolf or in an anthropomorphic wolf.They transform in the full-moon period and are very dangerous.Some say that they have a weakness to silver and fire.They are very strong and agile and can easily kill humans or other beings.

The whole story started in ancient Greece.There was a king named Lycaon that served some human meat just because he wanted to know if Zeus was really a god.Zeus noticed that the meat he was consuming was human's and punished Lycaon,making him take the form of a wolf.

After this,many folks had their version.They appear in the mythology of many european countries.In the Dark Ages of Europe,they were considered demons or the embodiment of Satan himself.

The werewolf appears in many modern culture games,books,TV shows and movies,but Twilight messed up with them (and with the vampires too).

It must be really frightening the sight of a werewolf.Killing it without fire weapons seems impossible.I think that a grenade could end the fight.Even with fire weapons it would be difficult,as it would jump an dodge the bullets.

After some research I concluded that the werewolf is not plausible according to science.A man transforming in a wolf is impossible,but more than one time and reverting to human form?I hope that it really doesn't exists.There are things that science don't know...

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